Not sure what each Business Cover is for? We have simplified it to show some of the major examples.
Property Damage:
“Property Crime in Darwin is Decreasing!!” – yeah right!! This will cover your property and stock in case of any damage from break ins or Earthquakes (We will rebuild) as well as a range of other incidents.
Business Interruption:
A lightning Strike blew out the Air conditioner system at the Local Cinema last Wet Season. I’ve heard they’re haemorraging money. No one wants to see a movie there anymore, the whole point of going to the cinema is to escape the heat! Also a leak in the community swimming pool has left locals Running
laps… it’s as dry as the Todd River. Have you considered loss of income if your Clients can not access your facilities, if you have no stock to provide, staff to pay, bills for repair?
Don’t end up like one of many Territorians targeted endlessly by our upstanding citizens whose fault it obviously is not! Replacement and repair of your Contents and Stock due to Theft from the premises.
“The old faithful mattress let me down last night…. A week’s takings, GONE”.
Take precautions to safe-guard your hard earned cash correctly, have secure storage, minimise holdings, change your deposit routines and ask us about extra cover for the “what if” moments.
Public or Product Liability:
“Beryl just said that Clive the Croc escaped again last night. Managed to take a chunk out of a Southerner hitch hiking on the highway…. How are we going to explain this one?!”
Protect your Business against claims which may incur Financial loss due to personal injury or property damage caused by products/ services provided.
“You don’t want to foot the bill after half a tree has impaled itself through the window during the last cyclone, the one you prepared for by making sure the beer fridge was stocked.” Glass Cover is a small, additional expense to be tailored into your Business pack that can cover not only your Store frontage, but also internal glass.
“Remember when old mate lost control of his Cattle truck… There was stock wondering around the highway for weeks after!! I wonder what happened to him and how much THAT cost?!”. Cover you own goods being transported by others, or good you are transporting on behalf of a third party.
Machinery Breakdown:
“Knocked the crew off early… two days ago!! Lightning hit the shed and fried most of the equipment.” If a sudden or unforeseen event causes damage to your machinery, this cover will help repair or replace so you can get back to Business as Usual, ASAP!
General Property:
“Met the lads for a frew frothies yesterday arvo and left my car at the local. Someone managed to nick all of my tools from the locked toolboxes on the ute tray over night!!” Options to cover your Tools, on and off site overnight, without having to list every individual item. “Tool of Trade” will cover your portable items.
Employee Dishonesty:
“Turns out the weekly BBQ’s Sheila was putting on for the boys came from meat she had pinched from work!! Explains the discrepancies in stock….”
This form of cover includes theft of money, securities and property by those you trust and pay.
Give the Team at Able Insurance a call to further discuss your Business
needs. Shane, Marieka Peta are available to come out to your business to show any covers you should have in place.
Contact the team on 8981 8871 or at